Civil engineering Team Managed to Escape the Proposal in the 2011 Bridge Contest
Monday, August 08, 2011 10:09 WIB
Indonesia Bridge Competition (KJI) to-7 and Building Contest Indonesia (KBGI)-3 in 2011 to be held. Directorate General of Higher Education (Directorate General of Higher Education) Ministry of Education intends to conduct programs in addition to civilize the competition and give students an appreciation of creativity, it can also provide a practical contribution to community life through the development and application of applied technology, which in this case specifically the development and application technology in the field of building design and construction of bridges that are adaptive to the needs of the community
During the year the Department of Civil passed two proposals. Under the Bridge Competition Jury Decision Indonesia (KJI) to-7 Year 2011 on the evaluation of proposals, it is expressed to GRADUATES as Finalist KJI-7 in 2011 to be held 26-27 November 2011 at the University of Indonesia are as follows:
Competition categories at the Steel Bridge Road
A. Muhammadiyah University of Malang (AUFKLARUNG)
a. Ike Nur Firdausi (07520063)
b. Rusandi Noor (09520001)
c. Septa Hardi Saputra (09520007)
d. Beni Ksatria (09520020)
At the Wooden Bridge Competition categories Pedestrian
A. Muhammadiyah University of Malang (CES TIM)
a. Hasan Aljufrie (07520071)
b. Name, NIM: Jamila Anggraini (09520096)
c. Name, NIM: Dwi Ratna Jayanti (09520103)
d. Name, NIM: Rizzki Miftakul Fa'uzi (09520106)
the opportunity this time each team from the Department of Civil Engineering stated his pride.