Department of Civil Engineering UMM Organizing Guest Lecture PT Holcim Indonesia
Wednesday, December 04, 2013 11:33 WIB
Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang in cooperation with PT . Holcim Indonesia Tbk held a guest lecture , on Thursday, October 24th, 2013 at 13.00 till finished . Public Lecture Hall located in Building Engineering , University of Muhammadiyah Malang GKB III , with the theme : Guest Lecture PT.Holcim Indonesia and Dissemination Products and Sustainable Construction Competition ( sustainable construction ) . As the Speaker is Mrs. Piping Serikit Ridayanti , which is a ST staff of PT Holcim .
The event was attended by about 200 students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering , University of Muhammadiyah Malang . In his speech the Chairman of Civil Engineering Department Ir . Khoirul Abadi , MT said " By following this general seminar , the forum is expected to be a medium of learning and information for fellow students and professors as well as to support the Ketekniksipilan competence in the Department of Civil Engineering " ,
The concept of the show is divided into two , the first material about the advantages of cement Holcim , the second presentation of the Holcim Awards competition is called on sustainable construction (Sustainable Construction ) which will run from early July until March 2014 . "The event competency can be followed by the general public , " said Mrs. Piping . The objective of the international competence ( in Asia Pacific ) is to find a project or an idea that can demand innovative plans and sustainable development , but still consider the aesthetics and environment-friendly layout .
The main categories of Holcim Awards is open to architects , planners , engineers , project owners , developers , and construction companies that have a concept or project that has a sustainable approach to overcome the problems of technological , environmental , socio - economic , cultural and related construction .
Through socialization UMM students are expected to participate as a participant in this competition and certainly it calls can bring home the championship , as has become a trend positf Department of Civil Engineering in the last few years .