Department of Civil Engineering UMM Earn Champion in CIVIL EXPO 2011

Monday, April 04, 2011 14:17 WIB

Malang - "From the Muhammadiyah For the Nation" was the slogan upheld by 3 Gishi through GAKUSEI BRIDGE team of Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang successfully won Second Place in excelent BRIDGE COMPETITION CIVIL EXPO 2011 organized by Student Association of Civil Engineering ITS Surabaya
Team 3 Gishi Team II won in the category of Excellent Bridge Competition, in this koompetisi teams from UMM 'fight' with 19 finalists from various universities / private sector in Indonesia. The team, consisting of 1. Greg Knight 09520020 (Chairman) 2. Noor Rusandi 0952001. 3. Nika Nurkhasana 095200059,

Civil Engineering UMM passed a proposal of three proposals were proposed in the field Excelent Bridge, the impression of one of the participants that "this race is not how great champions but we got in the process of achieving an accompanying effort, support, prayer, teamwork, and trust. struggle was race is very large even rudimentary knowledge about the bridge to get it but thanks to a strong will and frequent - often consulted create weaknesses that have less. And unsuspected participant teams in the content of this younger generation, can enter 20 of the selection of proposals, this is a surprise. and create excitement for us all the participants, lecturers, lecturers, tutors brothers, and all the friends and relatives of participants.

Because we are so UMM team spirit was not half-hearted to bring more than 30 supporters of the white campus, and 3 lecturers to support our team. and via social networks also support continued to come. wah, the atmosphere was so great, because it is from 2 weeks before we all pray every evening for this team. And the exceptional team we can win the overall champion in the competition 2 CIVIL EXPO 2011.

This victory alone is not just for participants but for all of us, who feel they have this team, the joy we get in this competition. extraordinary. with slogans that we voiced UMM techniques while providing an atmosphere of competition and confident spirit to us all "he said

And do not forget also of Team 3 Team Gishi through GAKUSEI BRIDGE convey "the spirit of learning increase in civilian areas, as one way to worship us, and fight for it the name of the nation. That we are able to provide the best for this nation ..." he said ..
